Qantas Integrates American Airlines Interline Flights into NDC Platform

Qantas has integrated American Airlines interline flights into its New Distribution Capability (NDC) platform, expanding destination options for travel agencies and providing a seamless booking experience for passengers. This integration signifies a step forward for the Qantas Distribution Platform, offering a broader range of travel options and boosting connectivity between America and Australia.

Sabre Integrates Etihad Airways’ NDC Content for Enhanced Travel Agency Solutions

Sabre Corporation has integrated Etihad Airways’ New Distribution Capability (NDC) content into its global travel marketplace, providing travel agencies with streamlined access to booking and managing Etihad’s NDC offers. This strategic move aims to enhance efficiency and accessibility for agencies in the EMEA region, enabling them to offer travelers a wider range of personalized travel options.

Sabre NDC Content Now Available on Serko’s Zeno Platform

Sabre Corporation has announced that Serko has introduced Sabre NDC content into Zeno, its online travel platform for business travel. This activation makes Sabre the first GDS to offer NDC content on Zeno. Starting this month, Serko’s corporate travel and expense management tool, Zeno, will incorporate NDC-enabled content through Sabre’s Offer and Order APIs. Zeno users can now seamlessly browse and reserve NDC offers via Zeno’s user-friendly interface, along with the ability to reserve complimentary or prepaid seats and manage booking cancellations within the platform.

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