Virgo Monthly Horoscope: September 2023 – Rise in Fortune and New Beginnings

September promises to be a month of growth and opportunity for Virgos. With the sun in your sign, your energy will be high, and taking initiative will be key. This is a time to focus on self-promotion, especially through social media and public speaking. While this is a time of progress, remember to pay attention to detail, particularly in relationships. Embrace new beginnings on the 3rd with the New Moon in Virgo, and use the Full Moon on the 18th to refine your ideas and gain valuable insights.

New Moon in Virgo and Its Connection to Disaster Prevention: A 12 Zodiac Sign Guide

September 1st marks ‘Disaster Prevention Day’ in Japan. This year, the New Moon falls within the Disaster Prevention Week (August 30th – September 5th), aligning with the Virgo zodiac sign, known for its meticulous analysis and risk management skills. This article explores the connection between the New Moon, Virgo, and disaster preparedness, offering practical advice for each zodiac sign.

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