Today marks the 114th day of 2024, with 252 days remaining until the year’s end. On this significant date, we commemorate the passing of labor leader Cesar Chavez in 1993. History books record the passing of the renowned playwright William Shakespeare in 1616. Events of great consequence unfolded on this day, including the declaration of war between Spain and the United States in 1898, the tragic Rhythm Night Club Fire in Mississippi in 1940, and the historic home run hit by Hank Aaron in 1954. The year 1969 saw the sentencing of Sirhan Sirhan for the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, while 1971 witnessed Vietnam War veterans’ protest by discarding their medals in protest against the conflict. Notable milestones were reached in 1988 with the implementation of a ban on smoking during domestic airline flights, and 1992 with the opening of the first McDonald’s restaurant in Beijing, China. In 2005, YouTube’s journey began with its first uploaded video. Tragic news struck in 2018 with a van attack in Toronto, resulting in numerous casualties. Amid the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 witnessed President Trump’s controversial comments on disinfectants, and 2021 saw the resumption of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine rollout after a temporary pause. Today, we extend birthday wishes to prominent figures such as Alan Oppenheimer, Lee Majors, Michael Moore, Judy Davis, Valerie Bertinelli, John Cena, John Oliver, Kal Penn, Dev Patel, Gigi Hadid, and Chloe Kim, among others.