Russia Warns Poland Against Hosting Foreign Nuclear Weapons, Threatens Military Targeting

Russia has strongly condemned Poland’s potential plans to host foreign nuclear weapons on its territory as part of NATO’s nuclear sharing program. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned that such a move would prompt Russia to designate any related sites as primary military targets, posing a significant threat to Poland’s security.

Moscow views NATO’s nuclear expansion as destabilizing and threatening to Russia. Ryabkov emphasized that both joint missions involving non-nuclear members handling American nuclear hardware and the permanent stationing of such weapons in Poland would be met with a forceful military response from Russia.

Despite these warnings, Polish President Andrzej Duda has expressed Poland’s willingness to host nuclear weapons on its soil. However, Prime Minister Donald Tusk has downplayed these remarks, indicating that Poland has no concrete plans to host foreign nuclear weapons.

Currently, the US reportedly stores gravity bombs capable of carrying nuclear warheads in five non-nuclear NATO states: Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey. Poland’s previous conservative government has long sought to join this group, but the current government has not indicated any specific plans to do so.

US Accuses Russia of ‘Hiding Something’ After Moscow Vetoes Resolution Banning Space Nuclear Weapons

In a surprising move, Russia vetoed a resolution banning nuclear weapons in space, prompting accusations from the US that Moscow may be developing such weapons in secret. The veto drew widespread condemnation, with US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield claiming Russia had “abandoned” efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. Russia, however, has denied developing a space-based nuclear weapon, stating that it considers the resolution “a joke”.

Russia Vetoes UN Resolution on Preventing Nuclear Arms Race in Space

Russia has vetoed a United Nations resolution sponsored by the United States and Japan that called on all nations to prevent a dangerous nuclear arms race in outer space. The vote in the 15-member Security Council was 13 in favor, Russia opposed and China abstaining. US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said after the vote that Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow has no intention of deploying nuclear weapons in space. “Today’s veto begs the question: Why? Why, if you are following the rules, would you not support a resolution that reaffirms them? What could you possibly be hiding,” she asked. “It’s baffling. And it’s a shame.” Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia dismissed the resolution as “absolutely absurd and politicized,” and said it didn’t go far enough in banning all types of weapons in space. Russia and China proposed an amendment to the U.S.-Japan draft that would call on all countries, especially those with major space capabilities, “to prevent for all time the placement of weapons in outer space, and the threat of use of force in outer spaces.” The vote was 7 countries in favor, 7 against, and one abstention and the amendment was defeated because it failed to get the minimum 9 “yes” votes required for adoption.

Russia Vetoes UN Resolution Banning Nuclear Weapons in Space

Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that aimed to prevent the placement of nuclear weapons in space. The US and Japan sponsored the resolution, which was supported by 13 member nations. China abstained from the vote. The US criticized Russia for defeating the resolution and China for not voting against it. Russia, along with China, proposed an amendment to the resolution that would have called for states to prevent the placement of any weapons in space, but the measure was defeated. Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied any plans to put nuclear weapons in space, but the fears come as he has repeatedly threatened the US and Western allies with nuclear weapons amid the war in Ukraine.

Russia Vetoes UN Resolution Banning Nuclear Arms Race in Space

Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution on Wednesday that aimed to prevent a nuclear arms race in outer space. The resolution, which was sponsored by the United States and Japan, would have called on all nations to refrain from developing or deploying nuclear arms or other weapons of mass destruction in space. Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia dismissed the resolution as “absolutely absurd and politicized,” arguing that it didn’t go far enough in banning all types of weapons in space. The U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield accused Russia of undermining global treaties to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and said that the world is just beginning to understand “the catastrophic ramifications of a nuclear explosion in space.”

The Ancient Grudge Between Iran and Israel

The conflict between Iran and Israel, which escalated recently with the exchange of airstrikes, has a long and complex history. The animosity dates back to 586 BC when the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the first Jewish temple and took the Jewish people captive. Over the centuries, the hostility has continued, despite periods of relative peace. Today, Iran considers Israel an “existential threat” and has pursued nuclear weapons capabilities to counter it. Israel, on the other hand, views Iran’s proxies in the region, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, as a security threat and has carried out airstrikes against them. The recent exchanges of airstrikes between Iran and Israel mark a new escalation in the conflict and have raised concerns about the potential for further escalation.

Iran’s Nuclear Doctrine: Prohibiting Weapons of Mass Destruction

Despite ongoing conflict, Iran’s fatwa-based nuclear doctrine remains firm in prohibiting the production and use of nuclear weapons. This stance is rooted in Islamic law, emphasizing the protection of life, the environment, and humane warfare principles. Iran advocates for non-proliferation and has consistently adhered to signed agreements. The concept of taqiyya does not apply to weapons of mass destruction due to their potential to endanger humanity.

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