Cal Poly Humboldt Campus Closed Amidst Student Protests

The Cal Poly Humboldt campus in Northern California has closed after several student protesters occupied a building on Monday night, demanding that the university sever ties with Israel. The protest is part of a larger movement on college campuses across the country in response to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The students are demanding that the university divest from Israeli companies, drop charges against student organizers, and call for an end to the occupation of Palestine. The university has condemned the occupation, but has not yet met the students’ demands.

Cal Poly Humboldt Campus Closed After Student Protesters Occupy Building

Cal Poly Humboldt in Northern California has closed after student protesters protesting Israel’s invasion of Gaza occupied a building on Monday. The protesters are demanding the university divest from Israel, drop charges against student organizers, and call for a ceasefire and end to the occupation of Palestine. All in-person classes and activities have been moved to a remote format due to the protest.

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