Studio Ponoc’s hand-drawn animated fantasy film ‘The Imaginary’ is set to premiere on Netflix on July 5, with an Oscar-qualifying run planned. Based on the novel by A.F. Harrold and illustrated by Emily Gravett, the film follows the adventures of young Amanda and her imaginary companion, Rudger, as they navigate a magical world threatened by a sinister force.
Results for: Oscar-Qualifying
The Canary Island-based Animayo animation festival will welcome legendary Disney filmmaker John Musker as its guest star for 2024. Musker will head the festival’s Oscar-qualifying animated short competition jury and host the Spanish premiere of his short film, ‘I’m Hip.’ Musker, known for directing Disney classics like ‘The Little Mermaid’ and ‘Moana,’ adds to the growing list of renowned animators attending the festival, including Andres Deja last year. Over 30 guest speakers will join Animayo to share their expertise in animation, VFX, and gaming.