Brain Surgery With a Twist: Patient Watches Movie During Procedure

A 55-year-old woman in India underwent a successful brain tumor removal surgery while watching a movie. This unconventional approach, known as an ‘awake craniotomy,’ allows surgeons to monitor the patient’s brain activity during the procedure, ensuring critical functions remain intact. This innovative technique has been gaining attention in the medical community as a way to improve patient outcomes.

Amberwell Health Partners with MetTel to Enhance Patient Communication and Modernize Network

Amberwell Health, a Kansas healthcare system, has partnered with MetTel to modernize its network and communication systems, aiming to enhance the patient experience and support long-term growth. The partnership involves implementing a comprehensive solution including a cloud-based contact center, unified communications platform, modernized network, and POTS transformation, all designed to ensure reliable, efficient, and modern communication for patients and staff.

Flexible Payment Solutions: Making Healthcare More Affordable and Accessible

Rising inflation and cost of living are forcing consumers to reassess their financial priorities, leading many to sacrifice crucial medical care. To address this, healthcare providers are implementing flexible payment plans that allow patients to spread out their healthcare expenses over time. These plans ease financial burden and enhance affordability and access to treatments and medications that patients may not have the immediate funds for. Small- to medium-sized healthcare businesses are well-positioned to implement these solutions due to their adaptability, agility, and close patient connections.

Winnipeg Hospitals Seek Real-Time Patient Feedback for Swift Resolution

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) has implemented a concise, real-time survey for patients to gather feedback and address concerns promptly. With just two questions, the survey allows patients to rate their overall experience and indicate if they were treated with dignity and respect. If a patient rates their experience below six out of 10 and opts for a phone call, the WRHA guarantees a response within 24 to 48 hours to discuss their concerns.

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