Stand-up comedian Paul F. Tompkins, known for his diverse talents, curates and hosts the recurring stage variety show ‘Varietopia’ in Los Angeles. Now, he embarks on his first-ever tour, with two sold-out shows at City Winery on May 2nd. Featuring an ever-changing lineup that has included magicians, musicians, and even Tompkins himself in character as ‘Monsignor Damien Fearnley,’ ‘Varietopia’ is a celebration of the classic variety show format. Tompkins credits musical director Jordan Katz with making the tour possible, citing the logistical challenges of coordinating travel and equipment for a show that incorporates live music. Despite his decades-long career that includes stand-up, voice acting, and podcasting, Tompkins sees his diverse work as part of a cohesive creative expression that informs all his projects.