Everyday Household Items Unmasked as Sneezin…

Allergy sufferers, beware! While spring and summer months are notorious for triggering sneezes, there are common household items that can also lead to a fit of sneezes. These unsuspecting culprits include air fresheners, flowering houseplants, and even children’s stuffed toys. TV Dr. Sara Kayat reveals that candles, dust mites, and pet hair can also be problematic. With 12 million Brits suffering from allergies caused by dust mites alone, stuffed toys are notorious culprits. Hayfever sufferers should also be aware of tree pollen, grass pollen, and weed pollen, depending on their location and time of year. Indoor spaces such as homes, gardens, and bedrooms are common places for sneezing fits, with 84% of people believing their sneezes come from nowhere. Dr. Kayat suggests measures to alleviate symptoms, such as dusting with a damp cloth, washing pets and their bedding regularly, using hypoallergenic bedding, and keeping homes dry and well-ventilated. Natural nasal sprays and wraparound sunglasses can also be effective. Common household items that can trigger allergies include:

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