Katie Price Draws Ire for Video of New Sphynx Cat Battling Dog, Despite PETA’s Offer and Animal Welfare Concerns

Former glamour model Katie Price has faced backlash after sharing a clip on Instagram of her recently acquired £1,200 Sphynx cat, Frog, engaging in a physical altercation with a dark brown dog. Despite PETA’s desperate pleas and an offer of £5K to refrain from owning animals, Price has disregarded their concerns. The incident has raised alarm bells given Price’s previous history with pet ownership, including the tragic deaths of at least seven animals in her care, primarily due to road traffic accidents. Animal welfare organizations are demanding action to prevent further harm to animals in her possession.

Cats and New Siblings: A Guide to a Smooth Introduction

Bringing home a new sibling can be a challenging experience for cats, who are known for their territorial nature. This article provides practical advice and expert tips on how to introduce a kitten to an existing cat, ensuring a positive and healthy relationship between them. It highlights the importance of scent introduction, separate personal spaces, and monitored interactions. The article also features a viral video of a cat displaying its disdain towards its new brother, showcasing the humorous side of this feline dynamic.

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