The Secret to Healthy, Shiny Hair: The Right Shampoo and Washing Technique

Contrary to popular belief, using the wrong shampoo and washing technique can damage hair. Expert Lena de Pons recommends using an acidic-pH shampoo to seal the hair cuticle, protect it from damage, and reflect light. Moreover, applying shampoo only to the scalp, not the entire hair, helps prevent dryness and maintain the hair’s natural balance. Avoid scrubbing your hair and opt for a gentle massage instead. Additionally, choose shampoos and conditioners based on the specific needs of your scalp and hair, respectively. While parabens are safe for hair, non-volatile silicones should be used in moderation to avoid buildup. Regular scalp exfoliation can help remove this buildup and maintain healthy, shiny hair.

Why Washing Your Hair Wrong Could Be Damaging

Experts recommend using a shampoo with an acidic pH to seal the cuticle and help reflect light, giving your hair a healthy shine. The correct way to wash your hair is to wet it thoroughly, then apply a small amount of shampoo to the scalp and massage it in for a minute or more. Rinse the shampoo, and it will slide down the rest of your hair, cleaning the ends on its way to the drain.

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