SpaceX has announced the first human spaceflight to fly over Earth’s polar regions, scheduled for launch in 2024. The civilian mission, dubbed ‘Fram2’, will be the Dragon spacecraft’s sixth commercial astronaut mission and will feature a crew of four international astronauts, led by Chun Wang. The mission will conduct observations of Earth’s polar regions from a unique orbit and will be named after the historic Fram ship that helped explorers reach Earth’s poles.
Results for: Polar Regions
SpaceX has announced a groundbreaking space mission, Fram2, which will be the first crewed voyage designed to explore Earth’s polar regions. Led by entrepreneur Chun Wang, the mission will see four crew members, including Jannicke Mikkelsen, Eric Philips, and Rabea Rogge, embark on a three to five-day journey to orbit. The mission will focus on scientific research, particularly studying unusual auroral emissions and the effects of spaceflight on the human body, while also inspiring wonder and highlighting the potential of technology in exploration.