Fort McMurray Wildfire Remains Steady, Rain Expected to Bring Relief

The Fort McMurray wildfire remained unchanged in size on Friday morning, hovering around 19,820 hectares. Despite its proximity to major highways and the Fort McMurray landfill site, officials anticipate subdued wildfire behavior due to cloud cover, cooler temperatures, and rain. Between 20 and 80 millimeters of rain is forecast for the region in the coming days, with 8.7 to 10.3 mm already falling overnight. The evacuee registration count stands at 2,597 people and 379 pets, with 6,600 residents displaced from their homes in Abasand, Beacon Hill, Grayling Terrace, and Prairie Creek, where an evacuation order remains in effect until at least Tuesday. Active firefighting efforts continue with the construction of a fire break between the Athabasca River and Horse River, and structure protection has been completed in several neighborhoods and industrial areas.

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