Remakes Are Becoming a Tired Trend in Video Games

The gaming industry’s obsession with remakes and remasters is reaching a fever pitch, with publishers exploiting nostalgia and neglecting true game preservation. While some remakes offer valid improvements, many feel like cash grabs that fail to meaningfully engage with the original games. Instead of remaking classics, the industry should focus on making them accessible through platforms like Steam and ensuring their preservation for future generations.

Remembering Melissa Inouye: A Scholar, Writer, and Advocate for Women’s Voices in Mormonism

Melissa Inouye, a renowned Mormon scholar, writer, and advocate for women’s voices, passed away at the age of 44 after a battle with cancer. Inouye’s legacy includes groundbreaking scholarship on the global history of Christianity and deeply personal writings on faith and spirituality. She was known for her insights on the importance of community, the need for inclusivity, and the preservation of women’s contributions to the Mormon faith.

Archaeologists Uncover Intact Bottles of Cherries at George Washington’s Mount Vernon

Archaeologists working at George Washington’s historic Virginia home, Mount Vernon, recently unearthed two perfectly intact bottles filled with cherries. The bottles, discovered in the cellar under a brick floor dating back to the 1770s, were found upright, sealed, and still containing liquid. The cherries, including stems and pits, were well-preserved within the liquid and emitted a characteristic scent of cherry blossoms. This remarkable discovery was made as part of a $40 million restoration project at the estate.

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