Pro-Palestinian Protests Spread Across US Campuses, Sparking National Guard Deployment Suggestions

Nationwide pro-Palestinian protests have escalated, prompting concerns about campus safety and calls for intervention from the National Guard. House Speaker Mike Johnson raised the possibility of National Guard deployment, invoking memories of tragic incidents in the 1970s when students were killed by the National Guard during anti-war demonstrations. The protests, which began at Columbia University, have gained momentum at other institutions, including the University of Southern California and the University of Texas in Austin, where hundreds of protesters rallied, leading to arrests and campus closures. Student protesters express solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and call for universities to divest from entities tied to Israel, while pro-Israel supporters highlight antisemitic incidents and advocate for campus security.

Columbia University Protestors Denounce Antisemitic Smears

Jewish students and Columbia University faculty members are speaking out against attempts to label pro-Palestinian protests on campus as antisemitic. Despite reports of isolated antisemitic incidents, protestors and faculty emphasize that the vast majority of demonstrators are peacefully advocating for the university to cut ties with companies linked to Israel over the war in Gaza. The university’s decision to involve the NYPD in breaking up the protest encampment has drawn criticism, with concerns that it has escalated tensions and stifled debate.

Speaker Johnson Condemns Antisemitism at Columbia University

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has spoken out against antisemitism and pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University. Johnson was booed by students as hundreds have occupied the campus in tents for days demanding the school divest from companies with ties to Israel. Johnson called on students inside the encampment to “go back to class and stop the nonsense.”

Pro-Palestinian Protests Rage Across US College Campuses, Triggering Arrests and Tense Faceoffs

Amidst rising tensions over the Israel-Hamas conflict, pro-Palestinian protests have erupted across US college campuses, leading to confrontations with police and concerns about safety. At New York University, over 130 people were arrested during a Monday night protest, while at Columbia University, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson threatened National Guard intervention. Students at Columbia and other universities are expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and demanding divestment from companies with ties to Israel, but pro-Israel supporters have raised concerns about anti-Semitism and hate speech on campus. Protests have also occurred at the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Southern California, and other schools, with police presence requested to maintain order.

Pro-Palestinian Protests Surge on College Campuses Nationwide

College campuses across the country have witnessed a surge in pro-Palestinian protests in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Students are demanding that universities divest from companies supporting Israel’s military efforts and, in some cases, from Israel itself. Protests have taken various forms, including sit-ins, marches, and tent encampments. In some instances, clashes with law enforcement have occurred, leading to arrests.

Pro-Palestinian Protests Spread Across College Campuses

A surge of pro-Palestinian demonstrations has swept through college campuses nationwide, fueled by Israel’s conflict with Hamas. Students demand universities divest from companies supporting Israel’s military actions in Gaza. Protests have flared at Columbia University, Emerson College, Humboldt State University, New York University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin, and Yale University, leading to arrests and campus closures.

Hamas Supports US Campus Protests in Solidarity with Gaza, Condemns Crackdowns

A Hamas spokesperson has expressed support for pro-Palestinian protests at US universities, condemning efforts to crack down on them. The protests have sparked controversy, with both supporters and detractors expressing outrage. The White House has urged peaceful protest while condemning violence and antisemitism. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has compared the protests to Nazi Germany, while Iranian President Raisi has accused Western powers of hypocrisy in their response.

Protests Escalate on College Campuses Over Israel-Hamas Conflict, Sparking Arrests and Tensions

Protests in solidarity with Palestinians and against Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas have escalated across college campuses in the United States, leading to clashes with police, arrests, and growing tensions. Universities are struggling to maintain a balance between campus safety and free speech rights, with some resorting to heavy-handed discipline citing safety concerns. Harvard University and other colleges have restricted access to certain campus areas and required permission for tents and tables, while Columbia University extended negotiations with protesters and agreed to a reduced number of tents at their encampment. The demonstrations demand that schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies enabling its conflict, with some Jewish students expressing concerns about antisemitism. U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson planned to meet with Jewish students to address these concerns, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the response of several university presidents and called for intervention from state, local, and federal officials.

Trump Attacks Biden’s Israel Policies as Jewish Voters Distance Themselves from Democrats

Former President Donald Trump has intensified his criticism of President Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, accusing him of “totally abandoning Israel” and enabling pro-Palestinian protesters. These attacks come as a small but potentially impactful coalition of Jewish voters distance themselves from the Democratic Party. Although the majority of Jews still identify as Democrats, their alignment with the party has declined in recent years, with a potential impact on close election races. Trump’s allegations that Biden’s frustration with Israel has led to an increase in antisemitic displays on college campuses have drawn sharp criticism from Jewish leaders, who accuse the former president of fueling antisemitism.

Columbia Protests: US Speaker Booed by Palestinian Supporters

During a visit to Columbia University, US Speaker of the House faced protests from pro-Palestinian groups. Over 100 students have been arrested and suspended after reports of antisemitic incidents. The Speaker’s press conference was repeatedly interrupted by protesters, who booed and demanded an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

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