Puppet Master II (1990) Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock & Amazon Prime Video

The horror film ‘Puppet Master II’ (1990), directed by Dave Allen, follows the sinister resurrection of puppeteer Andre Toulon, who seeks human brains to sustain his animated puppets’ magical life force. Set in a haunted inn, the film delves into themes of immortality, horror, and the allure of puppetry. You can stream ‘Puppet Master II’ on Peacock and Amazon Prime Video.

Seinfeld Defends Larry David’s Attack on Elmo

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has expressed his support for Larry David’s controversial attack on the beloved puppet Elmo during an appearance on ‘Today.’ David physically assaulted the puppet during a segment about mental health, sparking widespread discussion and criticism. However, Seinfeld defended David’s actions, stating that he enjoyed watching the incident.

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