Indonesia’s Tourism Strategy: Preserving Cultural Heritage and Beyond Bali

Indonesia, an archipelago rich in cultural heritage, is promoting tourism beyond the popular destination of Bali. The country prioritizes quality tourism, sustainability, collaboration, and safeguarding its cultural capital. Regions like East Java showcase a blend of natural wonders and cultural experiences. Through traditional dance performances, batik workshops, and village stays, Indonesia immerses tourists in its heritage. Sustainable tourism practices, such as managing visitor numbers at Ijen Crater, are implemented to preserve fragile environments. Collaboration between destinations, local communities, and international organizations fosters complementary tourism experiences. Preserving cultural diversity through the revitalization of traditional arts and crafts, like batik, and the protection of intangible cultural heritage ensure the longevity of Indonesia’s cultural wealth. While Bali remains a major draw, other destinations like Nusa Dua and Ubud offer unique experiences that highlight Indonesia’s diverse cultural and natural heritage.

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