Bananas Will ‘Taste Better’ and ‘Outlast’ Their Normal Shelf Life with Savvy Storage Hack

Bananas are a staple in many people’s weekly food shop, but how best to store them at home is a common question. While wrapping stems in cling film or dipping them in water may add a few days to the shelf life of this sweet fruit, Reddit users claim to have a much better remedy. According to several Reddit users, the key to keeping bananas perfectly fresh lies in the supermarket. One user suggests buying six bananas with two at each stage of ripeness, avoiding the common problem of a bunch of bananas turning overripe all at once. Another user recommends staggering your bananas, not buying all 6 of the same bunch, and instead opting for a combination of two green, two yellow-green, and two yellow bananas. Additionally, shopping around for organic bananas from Aldi has proven effective with other shoppers, as they often outlast regular bananas and taste better. To store bananas successfully, keep them somewhere cool, dark, and on their own away from other ethylene-intensive fruits like apples, peaches, and avocados.

How to Keep White Bedding Bright: Expert Cleaning Tips from Reddit Users

Maintaining the pristine whiteness of white bedding can be a challenge. However, a recent Reddit post seeking advice on this very topic has sparked a flurry of responses from individuals eager to share their tips and tricks for keeping white bedding looking fresh and clean.

One Reddit user said it is important to consider factors such as water type, choice of detergent, and fabric content in influencing the whiteness of linens. They suggested using Tide Original (powder) and no more than two tablespoons of detergent. For dealing with marks or stains, they advised pretreating and washing in cold water to prevent setting the stain.

Another user with white sheets and a white comforter and three dogs shared their cleaning routine. They wash weekly using vinegar, laundry soap, and warm water. For spot cleaning, they use an oxy-clean spray. They also use the ‘soak’ option on their washer and have them soak for an hour or more if needed.

Numerous other Reddit users chimed in with their own cleaning tips, highlighting the importance of using the right detergent, pretreating stains, and washing in cold water.

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