Strawberry Storage Hacks to Maintain Freshness for Two Weeks

Strawberries have a high moisture content, making them prone to spoilage. Here are some tips to extend their freshness:

* **Wash and refrigerate:** Wash and drain strawberries, then store them in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

* **Warm to room temperature before eating:** Before consuming, remove strawberries from the fridge 2 hours prior to allow them to warm up and release their flavors.

* **Store in glass jars or airtight containers:** These containers prevent excess moisture from reaching the fruit.

* **Use paper towels to absorb moisture:** Place strawberries on paper towels to absorb excess moisture.

* **Avoid piling strawberries:** Store strawberries in single layers to prevent mold growth.

* **Keep for up to two weeks:** Following these tips can keep strawberries fresh for up to two weeks, compared to a few days in supermarket containers.

Bananas Will Stay Fresh for Up to 2 Weeks Using a Professional Chef’s Genius Tip

Bananas are a popular fruit that is often enjoyed for its sweet taste and versatility. However, bananas can also be a challenge to store, as they tend to ripen and brown quickly. Professional chef Peter Sidwell has shared his secret to keeping bananas fresh for up to 2 weeks, and it’s a simple trick that anyone can follow.

According to Sidwell, the key to keeping bananas fresh is to store them properly. Bananas should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. They should also be kept away from other fruits, as bananas release a gas called ethylene that can cause other fruits to ripen and spoil more quickly.

If you want to keep bananas fresh for even longer, you can store them in the refrigerator. However, it’s important to note that refrigerating bananas can cause their skin to turn brown. The taste of the bananas will not be affected, but the brown skin may be unappealing to some people.

If you’re only going to eat half of a banana, you can wrap the remaining fruit in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent it from turning brown. You can also sprinkle the remaining fruit with a small amount of lemon juice to help preserve its freshness.

If you’re not planning on eating your bananas for a while, you can freeze them. Bananas can be frozen for up to 6 months, but they will taste best after the first 3 months.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your bananas fresh for up to 2 weeks and enjoy them at their peak ripeness.

Where should cucumbers be stored?

According to Syncorganics, certain foods can “lose flavour, spoil faster and in some cases grow bacteria” when they’re stored in the fridge. One such ingredient is the cucumber, which is said to “develop spots and soften when kept in the fridge”. Citing the US Department of Agriculture, Syncorganics said Parmesan would do particularly well “stored in an airtight glass container in a cool, dark place”. Even berries, mango, avocados, basil, and tomatoes would do better stored outside of the fridge, it is claimed.

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