One-Eyed Jacks (1961) is a Western drama wherein a bank robber named Kid Rio seeks revenge against his former partner, now Sheriff Dad Longworth. The movie, set amidst the stunning landscapes of the American West, explores themes like betrayal and redemption.
Results for: Revenge
A man took revenge on his brother for ruining his wedding by announcing his own pregnancy news at his brother’s wedding reception. The family drama unfolded after the man’s brother proposed at his wedding despite being told not to. The man’s mother threatened to leave if he kicked his brother out, so he waited and exacted his revenge at his brother’s wedding. The family is divided, with some supporting the man’s actions and others condemning him for overshadowing his brother’s big day.
Bill Skarsgård delivers a remarkable performance as the titular character in ‘Boy Kills World,’ an action-packed revenge movie that showcases his action star status. Despite a mixed narrative with underdeveloped subplots and unnecessary dialogue conceits, the film excels in its thrilling action sequences and Skarsgård’s captivating portrayal of a deaf and mute protagonist, making it an entertaining and engaging experience.