Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, has made a comeback in the popular animated series, X-Men ’97. However, fans are not particularly impressed with his portrayal in the latest episode. In the episode, a vengeful Rogue encounters Captain America while searching for the scientist responsible for creating the Sentinels that destroyed Genosha in the previous episode. Captain America attempts to apprehend Rogue but is unsuccessful. Rogue ends up confiscating his shield and throwing it away, leaving him frustrated. The internet’s reaction to this scene has been predominantly negative, with many criticizing the portrayal of Captain America as lacking his usual character traits and motives. Some have even accused the writers of making him appear overly authoritarian and government-aligned, contrasting with his traditional depiction as a symbol of justice and independence.
Results for: Rogue
In the latest episode of ‘X-Men ’97’, Rogue has a tense encounter with Captain America. After learning of Gambit’s death, Rogue seeks revenge and confronts General Ross. Her search leads her to a remote cabin where she encounters Captain America. Despite their shared mission, Rogue is disillusioned by Cap’s methods and throws his shield away, leaving him to retrieve it.