Orange Liberia and ZTE Expand Rural Connectivity in Liberia

Orange Liberia, in partnership with ZTE, has successfully deployed 128 new communication sites across rural Liberia, significantly enhancing network coverage in underserved areas. The project, completed in just three months, utilizes innovative energy-efficient technology and offers 2G voice and 4G data services, benefiting over 580,000 subscribers.

T-Mobile Acquires US Cellular: Expanding Rural Connectivity

T-Mobile has announced its acquisition of US Cellular, a regional carrier known for its strong presence in rural areas. The deal, valued at $4.4 billion, will allow T-Mobile to enhance its 5G network coverage in underserved regions, adding to its existing nationwide reach. US Cellular customers will have the option to transition to T-Mobile’s plans, with no switching costs or forced migrations. The acquisition is expected to close in mid-2025 subject to regulatory approval.

UK Rural Areas Face Mobile Network Blackout as 3G Services Shut Down

Seven percent of the UK, particularly rural regions, may lose internet access as mobile networks phase out 3G services. The switch to 5G is driving this decision, but concerns arise as 4G coverage is still lacking in many areas. Farmers and rural residents rely on 3G for location services in emergencies and daily operations, prompting calls for a delay in the 3G shutdown until 4G becomes ubiquitous.

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