Spy Suspect’s Arrest Raises Concerns over Foreign Influence in EU Elections

Amidst growing concerns over foreign interference in upcoming EU elections, German authorities have arrested an aide to a far-right MEP suspected of spying for China. The arrest of Jian G, allegedly passing sensitive information to China’s MSS, has sparked alarms in Europe, with Interior Minister Nancy Faeser warning of an “attack on European democracy” from within. The AfD, whose lead candidate Krah is linked to the suspect, expressed “disturbance” at the arrest, while China dismissed the reports as an attempt to smear its reputation. The incident follows a series of arrests in Germany, the UK, and elsewhere over suspected spying activities, prompting concerns about increasing geopolitical influence in the lead-up to the crucial EU elections.

Thousands of UK Flights Disrupted by Suspected Russian Jamming

Numerous flights in the United Kingdom have been impacted by electronic attacks suspected to originate from Russia that are disrupting satnav systems and posing safety concerns. Thousands of flights have experienced satnav problems, prompting investigations into the source of the disruptions. Russia’s involvement in electronic warfare and the geopolitical implications of these attacks are being scrutinized.

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