James Cleverly Visits Italy to Discuss Joint Action on Illegal Migration

Home Secretary James Cleverly traveled to Italy to discuss joint action on curbing illegal migration with his counterpart, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi. The visit came as the UK government explores cooperation with Italy to address the root causes of illegal migration and seeks to deter people from coming to the UK in small boats. Cleverly also visited the Italian coastguard headquarters in Rome and became the first UK government minister to visit Lampedusa, an island that has seen a surge in migrant arrivals.

Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda Bill: When Will Asylum Flights Take Off?

Rishi Sunak has taken steps to break the political impasse over his Rwanda Bill, which would allow for deportation flights to the African nation once it becomes law. This is the government’s latest effort to revive its plan to send asylum seekers who enter the UK illegally to Kigali. The deal has faced several setbacks since its inception two years ago. The Prime Minister has high hopes for the Bill, asserting that it would establish Rwanda as a safe country and ensure the legality of the program, which was previously deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court. Sunak has accused opponents of causing delays and stated that MPs and peers will work through the night on Monday if necessary to pass the Bill in Parliament. However, there are still unanswered questions about the implementation of the plan.

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