Sarawak and Sabah Join Forces to Promote ‘Discover Borneo’ at MATTA Fair

The Sarawak Tourism Board and Sabah Tourism Board have launched a joint initiative, ‘Discover Borneo: Malaysia’s Favorite Destination,’ at the MATTA Fair Kuala Lumpur 2024. This partnership aims to promote Borneo as a unified destination, showcasing the diverse attractions of both states and facilitating easier travel between them. The initiative has already seen significant success in boosting tourism revenue, particularly within the domestic market.

Malaysia Evicts Sea Nomads, Citing Security and Crime Prevention

Malaysian authorities have defended their decision to evict hundreds of sea nomads from their homes in Sabah state, claiming it was necessary to enhance security and combat cross-border crime. The Bajau Laut, a stateless sea-faring community that resides in houseboats and stilt-built coastal huts, have seen their dwellings demolished or burnt by enforcement officials. The operation has drawn criticism from rights groups, which have called on the government to stop the evictions and guarantee the safety and security of the community. The Sabah government maintains that the evictions are justified as they aim to combat illegal activities in protected areas and uphold the country’s laws. However, the Bajau Laut have lived in the area for centuries, and many lack nationality documents, making them vulnerable to exploitation.

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