House GOP Averts Shutdown, But Faces Uncertain Future Amidst Election Security Bill

The House of Representatives is on the brink of a showdown over a bill that would avert a government shutdown and mandate proof of citizenship for voter registration. The bill, combining a continuing resolution (CR) with the controversial SAVE Act, passed the House Rules Committee but faces opposition from several Republicans and the White House. Meanwhile, Speaker Mike Johnson faces pressure to navigate a tight vote and a potential clash with Senate Democrats.

Democrats Resist GOP Push to Include Voter ID Bill in Spending Deal

Republicans, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson, are pushing to include the ‘SAVE Act’, which requires proof of citizenship for voter registration, in a must-pass spending bill. Democrats, however, are resisting this move, arguing that it is unnecessary and based on unfounded claims. The inclusion of this bill in the spending deal has become a point of contention between the two parties, potentially leading to a government shutdown if an agreement cannot be reached.

House GOP Unveils Plan to Avoid Shutdown, Linking Funding to Voter Verification Bill

House Speaker Mike Johnson has proposed a short-term spending bill to avert a government shutdown, linking it to a controversial voter verification bill. The plan aims to require proof of citizenship for voter registration and has drawn both support and opposition from lawmakers. While Republicans believe it addresses concerns about non-citizen voting, Democrats argue it’s unnecessary and could disenfranchise eligible voters.

Senator Kelly Denies Evidence of Illegal Immigrant Voting, Opposes Citizenship Proof Requirement

Senator Mark Kelly, a Democrat from Arizona, has stated that there is no evidence of undocumented immigrants voting in U.S. elections. He opposes the SAVE Act, a bill that would require proof of citizenship to vote, arguing it is a solution looking for a problem. Kelly’s stance comes amidst Republican efforts to secure elections by removing noncitizens from voter rolls and pushing for stricter voting measures.

Republican Lawmakers Push for Voter ID Bill in Government Funding Deal

Republican lawmakers are pushing to attach a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote, the SAVE Act, to a stopgap spending measure, aiming to force a vote on the controversial legislation. While some Republicans, including Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, see it as a way to prevent voter fraud, others, like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, prioritize keeping the government open and avoiding a shutdown. The Biden-Harris administration opposes the bill, stating it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.

House Republicans Pass Bill to Prevent Noncitizen Voting, Democrats Oppose

House Republicans have passed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a bill aimed at preventing noncitizens from voting in federal elections. The bill requires states to request proof of citizenship from all voter registrants and provides mechanisms to ensure the accuracy of voter rolls. However, the bill has faced strong opposition from Democrats, who argue that it is unnecessary and could disenfranchise eligible voters.

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