Seven Candidates Vying for IOC Presidency, Including Olympic Legends and Royals

Seven individuals, including two-time Olympic champions Kirsty Coventry and Sebastian Coe, have emerged as candidates to succeed Thomas Bach as the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The list includes a diverse range of figures, from Olympic athletes and sports leaders to royalty and the son of a former IOC president. The election will take place in March 2024 in Greece, marking the end of Thomas Bach’s 12-year term.

IOC Election Rules Could Block Sebastian Coe’s Presidential Bid

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has clarified its complex election rules, potentially barring Sebastian Coe, a widely favored candidate, from becoming president. Coe’s IOC membership is contingent on his position as head of World Athletics, a role he must relinquish in 2027. The new rules require the president to hold IOC membership throughout their term, presenting a hurdle for Coe. Other potential candidates, like Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr., may also face age restrictions.

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