The luxury handbag resale market is thriving, with classic brands like Hermès and Chanel continuing to hold their value and even appreciate. However, a shift towards more attainable brands and timeless styles is also emerging, with lesser-known bags like Toteme’s T-Lock and Savette Pochette gaining popularity. The trend for nostalgia is also strong, with searches for Mulberry bags and Balenciaga Moto bags on the rise. Men’s handbag demand has exploded, driven by celebrities like Jacob Elordi and A$AP Rocky.
Results for: Secondhand
Luxury sustainable living leader Coyuchi has expanded its customer-powered 2nd Home Renewed program. This initiative gives pre-loved Coyuchi items a second life, diverting textiles from landfills and solidifying Coyuchi’s commitment to a greener future. Since its inception in 2017, the program has diverted over 165,046 lbs of textile waste from landfills and repurposed and redistributed over 43,854 pounds of fabric. Coyuchi’s meticulous six-stage certification process ensures that every 2nd Home Take Back product meets its renowned quality standards. Integrated seamlessly into the brand’s e-commerce platform through Recurate’s ResaleOS 2.0 platform, 2nd Home Renewed simplifies the process for shoppers to discover unique, storied pieces. Coyuchi is committed to empowering customers to participate in a circular economy, reducing environmental impact and redefining customer engagement with products.