Amazon’s Prime Video is set to launch its highly anticipated animated anthology series ‘Secret Level’, offering unique adaptations of beloved video games. This article dives into the recently released trailer, highlighting the diverse lineup of games featured and the impressive cast of voice actors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Keanu Reeves, and Kevin Hart.
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Amazon’s upcoming video game anthology series ‘Secret Level’ has unveiled its star-studded voice cast, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Hart, and Keanu Reeves, among others. This highly anticipated series will tell original stories based on iconic video game characters from franchises like God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, and more.
The trailer for Amazon’s upcoming video game anthology series ‘Secret Level’ has leaked, giving fans a sneak peek at the show’s diverse lineup of characters and a star-studded voice cast. The series, featuring iconic franchises like Mega Man, Warhammer, and God of War, is set to premiere on December 10th on Prime Video.
Amazon is set to release ‘Secret Level,’ an adult-animated anthology series inspired by popular video games, on Prime Video. The series, created by MGM Studios and Blur Studios, promises a diverse range of episodes based on iconic franchises like ‘Mega Man,’ ‘Pac-Man,’ and ‘Dungeons & Dragons,’ among others. With strong anticipation from the gaming community, ‘Secret Level’ has the potential to become another hit for Amazon Prime Video, similar to the successful ‘Fallout’ adaptation.