Secret Rooms: Couple Discovers Manhole in Living Room Floor, Leading to Lake Huron

A Michigan couple recently made a startling discovery while renovating their home: a secret manhole beneath their living room floor that leads to Lake Huron. They first noticed an issue when removing a jacuzzi misplaced on the floor, uncovering a potential problem. Subsequent investigation revealed a manhole 20 feet below, which Hayley, one half of the TikToking couple, describes as a potential connection to the lake through a 6-foot pipe. Despite the absence of water leakage into their home, the couple has ambitious plans for the extra space, including creating a game room or bowling alley lane after draining the water. Theories abound as to the origin of the manhole, with one particularly intriguing suggestion speculating its use in smuggling alcohol from Canada during the Prohibition era due to its proximity.

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