The highly anticipated sequel to the hit 1994 Danish horror-thriller movie Nightwatch, Nightwatch: Demons Are Forever, is set to release on Shudder. The movie will follow Emma, the daughter of Nightwatch protagonist Martin, who takes a job as the night watch in the forensic department where her parents were nearly killed by the psychopathic police inspector, Wörmer in the original film. After witnessing her father use tranquilizers to cope with the loss of her mother to suicide, Emma decides to go on a quest to determine what exactly happened to her parents during the events of Nightwatch.
Results for: Shudder
Humane, the debut feature film by Caitlin Cronenberg, daughter of renowned horror-movie auteur David Cronenberg, is set to premiere on Shudder. The film, set in a post-apocalyptic world, follows a father whose plan to enlist in the government’s euthanasia program goes awry, forcing his children to fight for their survival. Humane will be available to stream on Shudder when it airs, with current subscribers able to watch it for free. Shudder is an OTT streaming platform that specializes in horror, thriller, and supernatural film and television titles.
Infested is a gripping spider horror flick that delivers unsettling scares and a premise that will crawl under your skin. With an ensemble cast and a story that delves into the darker side of human nature, it’s a solid offering that fans of the genre will appreciate.