50 Asian-Owned Food and Drink Businesses to Delight Your Taste Buds

Get ready for a culinary adventure as we showcase 50 incredible Asian-owned food and drink businesses that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. From flavorful boba tea and authentic Vietnamese coffee to unique sauces and delicious snacks, this list has something for every palate. Support these inspiring entrepreneurs and discover the rich and diverse flavors of Asian cuisine.

Small Business Owners Feeling Left Behind Amidst Economic Growth and Market Rally

Despite a strong economy and stock market rally, small business owners remain apprehensive about the impact on their businesses. They express concerns over rising costs, shrinking savings, and limited benefits from rising stock prices. While inflation remains a primary concern, their confidence in the Federal Reserve’s ability to control it has waned. This study highlights the disconnect between the performance of the overall economy and the experiences of small business owners, indicating a need for policymakers to address their concerns and priorities.

Calgary Butcher Encourages Local Shopping with Loblaw Boycott

Harry’s Natural Meats, a family-run butcher shop in Calgary, is spearheading a month-long campaign to boycott Loblaw stores. The owner, Alex Ross, emphasizes the importance of supporting local businesses that prioritize quality and community involvement. Despite the limited advertising budgets of smaller shops compared to large retailers, Ross believes they can compete by offering superior products at competitive prices. The initiative has gained support from other local businesses, including Tacos Mexico, which advocates for the benefits of shopping locally for better service and support for the community.

IFC’s Investments Drive Climate and Housing Projects, Boost Businesses in India

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has invested heavily in India, with projects spanning climate action, housing, small businesses, and women empowerment. In the past year, IFC supported 32 projects aimed at job creation, private sector growth, and financial inclusion, while aligning with India’s sustainability goals. As of April 2024, IFC’s total commitment and board-approved funding has reached $3.8 billion.

Climate Change’s Impact on Worldwide Workforce and How Small Business Founders are Responding

A UN report reveals that climate change threatens 70% of the global workforce. Co-founder of Blueland, Sarah Paiji Yoo, shares her insights on combating climate change through ecofriendly products and policy advocacy. The article also covers lobbying efforts, new Green Guides, simplified government contracts, potential TikTok ban, and Ticketmaster’s lawsuit. In recognition of National Small Business Week, readers are encouraged to share their planned celebrations.

Capital Gains Tax Increases Strain Canadian Physicians

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has raised concerns over the federal government’s proposed capital gains tax increases, claiming they will significantly impact physicians and potentially drive some out of the profession. The proposed changes include increasing the capital gains inclusion rate from 50% to 67%, meaning more of the income generated from the sale of assets will be taxed. This is particularly concerning for physicians, as many operate their practices through small businesses, making them more sensitive to changes in capital gains rules. CMA President Kathleen Ross expressed担忧 that the tax changes, combined with existing challenges such as high patient counts and limited government funding, could lead to an exodus of physicians from the profession. The CMA has called for medical professional corporations to be excluded from the capital gains changes, while Ontario Premier Doug Ford and the province’s medical association have also criticized the new tax measures.

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