Telegram Updates Private Chat Moderation Policy Amid Scrutiny

Telegram, the messaging app co-founded by Pavel Durov, has made a significant change to its private chat moderation policy. This comes after increasing scrutiny of the platform’s content moderation practices, including investigations in France and South Korea. Telegram previously assured users that private chats were immune from moderation requests, but this statement has now been retracted, indicating a shift in the platform’s approach to content control.

Snap Focuses on Advertising and Augmented Reality Amidst Competition

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel announced a renewed focus on advertising and augmented reality, aiming to counter sluggish growth and competition from platforms like Meta and TikTok. The company is implementing machine learning and automation for ad placement and investing in smart glasses, mirroring Meta’s strategy. Despite recent challenges, Snap remains committed to innovating and enhancing its offerings.

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