Astroscale Captures First-Ever Close-Up Image of Space Debris, Paving the Way for Future Cleanup

Space debris, a growing problem in Earth’s orbit, has recently threatened the International Space Station and impacted China’s space station. In an effort to address this issue, Japanese company Astroscale has captured the first-ever close-up image of a piece of space debris using its Active Debris Removal by Astroscale-Japan (ADRAS-J) satellite. This breakthrough could pave the way for future cleanup missions, as it allows scientists to better understand the movement and condition of space debris.

China Bolsters Space Debris Measures for Tiangong Space Station

China has outlined plans to strengthen its space debris management protocols for the Tiangong space station following a partial loss of power caused by debris impact on its solar panels. This move follows successful spacewalks by astronauts during the Shenzhou 17 mission and highlights the growing concerns over space debris threats posed by micrometeoroids and human activities in orbit. To address this, China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) will enhance its debris tracking capabilities, optimize collision warning procedures, and install protective reinforcements on Tiangong.

Fireball Blazes Across China’s Sky, Leaving Trail of Mystery

A dazzling fireball streaked across the night sky in China, captivating onlookers and leaving a trail of speculation. Captured on video by residents of Beijing and Gansu, the celestial object shattered into smaller pieces as it descended, illuminating the night like a brief day. While some believe it was a meteor from space, others speculate it could be debris from the International Space Station. The sighting sparks questions about the nature of the object and the increasing concerns over space debris.

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