ISRO’s Bhartiya Antariksh Hackathon: A Chance to Shape the Future of Geo-Spatial Applications

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is hosting the Bhartiya Antariksh Hackathon, inviting student teams to develop innovative geo-spatial applications. The hackathon will culminate in a 30-hour grand finale, with the winners receiving recognition and potential opportunities for further development. The event is open to undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students across India, with submissions accepted until July 26th, 2024.

Japan’s Lunar Lander Survives Third Freezing Night on the Moon

Japan’s lunar probe, Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM), has successfully survived its third freezing lunar night, despite not being designed to withstand such conditions. The lander has been providing images and data since landing on the moon in January, offering valuable insights into the lunar surface and the origin of the moon. SLIM’s continued operation is a significant achievement for Japan, demonstrating the country’s growing capabilities in space exploration.

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