Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has partnered with a Moscow IVF clinic to offer free IVF treatment to women who choose to use his sperm. This controversial initiative, aimed at helping couples struggling with infertility, has sparked ethical debate and raised concerns about the potential exploitation of women.
Results for: Sperm Donation
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has faced scrutiny following his arrest in France on various criminal charges. While responding to the allegations, Durov also revealed that he has fathered over 100 children through anonymous sperm donations, a fact that has added to the public’s interest in his past.
Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has revealed that he has over 100 biological children across 12 countries through anonymous sperm donation. He shared his story on his Telegram channel, aiming to destigmatize sperm donation and encourage more men to consider it as a way to help families struggling with infertility.
A 25-year-old man selflessly donated his sperm to his sister and her wife, helping them conceive a child. He is now a proud biological uncle to his son, who was born after a six-month journey of insemination. The story highlights the unique bond between family members and the lengths they go to support each other.