At this year’s Met Gala, renowned actor Eddie Redmayne and his wife, Hannah Bagshawe, turned heads in captivating ensembles designed by emerging talent Steve O Smith. Smith, a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design, showcased his unique approach to garment design, inspired by the works of Matisse, Cy Twombly, and the theme of the event, ‘In America: An Anthology of Fashion.’ Smith’s creations for Redmayne and Bagshawe reflected the theme’s focus on a couple, drawing inspiration from J.G. Ballard’s story and Cy Twombly’s Peony series. For Redmayne, Smith crafted a wool coat with a removable tulle skirt, while Bagshawe donned a silk organza gown built over a tulle skirt and corset. The collaboration between Smith, Redmayne, and Bagshawe was orchestrated by stylist Harry Lambert, highlighting the transformative power of the Met Gala for emerging designers.