Steven Knight, the mastermind behind the critically acclaimed Peaky Blinders, is back with a new historical crime drama, A Thousand Blows. Set in the gritty East End of London in the 1880s, the series follows two Jamaican friends navigating the dangerous criminal underworld, encountering ruthless gangsters, and forging alliances with an all-female gang. The first trailer hints at a thrilling and violent journey, promising a familiar, but captivating experience for Peaky Blinders fans.
Results for: Steven Knight
Steven Knight, the acclaimed writer and director behind shows like Peaky Blinders and This Town, delves into his latest projects, including the upcoming Peaky Blinders film, a Maria Callas biopic with Angelina Jolie, and his entry into the Star Wars universe. He also reflects on the musical and cultural influences that have shaped his work, particularly the ska and two-tone movement in Coventry in the 1980s.