Oil Prices Rise Amidst Middle East Tensions

Oil prices edged higher on Monday, fueled by escalating tensions in the Middle East. Increased Israeli attacks on Iranian-backed forces raised concerns about potential supply disruptions from the region, particularly from Iran, a major oil producer. While demand worries persist, the possibility of a wider conflict involving Iran is supporting prices.

Heatwaves and Unseasonal Rains Hit India’s Mango Crops, Prices Likely to Soar

India’s beloved mango crop has been severely impacted by extreme weather events, leading to concerns about supply disruptions and skyrocketing prices in domestic markets. Excessive heatwaves and unseasonal rains have affected mango tree flowering, resulting in smaller fruit size and reduced yields. Despite the challenges, trade analysts believe that India’s mango exports will remain unaffected due to international demand and higher prices. The country remains the world’s largest mango producer, cultivating a diverse range of varieties across millions of hectares.

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