Woman Considering Dumping Boyfriend Over ‘Repugnant’ Dinner-Time Behaviour

A woman has taken to social media to express her frustration with her boyfriend’s atrocious table manners, which she describes as making her feel sick and even consider ending their relationship. The woman has been dating her boyfriend for three months and believes they have the potential for a long-term relationship, but his “awful table manners” are a major turn-off for her. She has attempted to hint to him that his behavior is not appropriate, but he seems oblivious and continues to display off-putting eating habits. The woman is now contemplating giving him an ultimatum: shape up or she’s out. Online users have expressed their disgust with the boyfriend’s behavior, with many saying they could never stay with someone who displayed such appalling dining etiquette.

Table Manners: Millennial Parents Ditch the Rules

Millennial parents are ditching traditional table manners, with 73% believing they are less important today. This is reflected in the dining habits of young adults, with 60% considering old-fashioned table manners irrelevant. Experts attribute this shift to a general informality in society, with phones at the table being the most prominent indication of this change. While some experts believe that certain manners, such as not putting elbows on the table, are outdated, others argue that basic table manners are still important for social interaction.

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