UK Bans Online Terror Network Terrorgram

Terrorgram, an online terror network, has become the first such group to be proscribed in the UK. The group, designated as a terrorist organization, will face legal repercussions, including up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine, for supporting the group. The decision was welcomed by the Home Office, which described Terrorgram as a neo-fascist group that promotes violence and white supremacy.

UK to Proscribe Terrorgram, First Online Terrorist Network to Be Outlawed

The UK is set to become the first country to ban Terrorgram, a secretive online network linked to neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other far-right extremists. The move follows concerns about the group’s extreme propaganda and influence in radicalizing young people. Under the Terrorism Act 2020, it will be a criminal offense to be involved with Terrorgram in any way, with offenders facing up to 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine.

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