The Mandalorian, once a beloved Star Wars revival, has become bogged down by the very franchise practices that plague Hollywood. This article explores the show’s evolution from a low-stakes, fun adventure to a sprawling, convoluted narrative, and the lessons we can learn about the dangers of over-saturation in beloved franchises.
Results for: The Mandalorian
From the animated adventures of Ahsoka Tano to the live-action epic of Andor, Star Wars has a wide range of shows to offer. Here are the top 10 Star Wars shows, ranked from worst to best. 10. The Book of Boba Fett 9. Star Wars Resistance 8. Obi-Wan Kenobi 7. Ahsoka 6. Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi 5. Star Wars: The Bad Batch 4. Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3. Star Wars Rebels 2. The Mandalorian 1. Andor
Hasbro has released new vintage figures from the upcoming ‘Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’ and ‘The Mandalorian’. The figures feature Cal Kestis from ‘Survivor’ in an Imperial Officer disguise, complete with a lightsaber and BD-1 figure. The ‘Mandalorian’ figure depicts The Judge character with a blaster and removable jetpack. Pre-orders open on April 23, 2024, with a retail price of $16.99.