International Tiger Day 2024: A Call to Action for Tiger Conservation

International Tiger Day, celebrated annually on July 29th, highlights the plight of these majestic yet endangered animals. The day commemorates the collective efforts of 13 tiger range countries to double the wild tiger population by 2022 through the TX2 initiative. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing threats tigers face, including poaching, habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and illegal wildlife trade.

“Bloodsicles” and Water Sprays: Manila Zoo Cools Animals Amidst Heatwave

Manila Zoo is taking proactive measures to ensure the well-being of its animals during an intense heatwave scorning the Philippines. To prevent heat stroke, especially amongst the big cats, zoo veterinarian Dave Vinas has implemented a comprehensive cooling strategy. Tigers and lions are treated to frozen treats, affectionately nicknamed “bloodsicles,” made from a blend of ground beef or chicken, animal blood, and vitamins. The zoo staff also provides regular water sprays and access to pools for the animals to cool down. Additionally, to prevent mating during the hottest hours of the day, which could trigger heat stroke, male and female lions are separated into different enclosures. Other animals, such as snakes and turtles, also benefit from water cooling to regulate their body temperatures. Vinas emphasizes that the heat this year has been exceptionally intense, despite implementing cooling measures. However, the zoo is dedicated to finding innovative ways to keep its animals comfortable and protected from the extreme temperatures.

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