Cuckoo, a new thriller from Luz writer-director Tilman Singer, sets itself apart with its eerie atmosphere, paranoia-soaked narrative, and stunning visuals. The film utilizes the isolation of a mountain resort to create a sense of dread and unease, elevated by the strong performances of Hunter Schafer and Dan Stevens. While the film’s mystery box plot loses some of its steam in the latter half, Cuckoo remains a visually striking horror film that will linger in the minds of viewers long after the credits roll.
Results for: Tilman Singer
Prepare to be disturbed by ‘Cuckoo,’ a new psychological horror film starring ‘Euphoria’s’ Hunter Schafer. The film follows Gretchen, a reluctant teenager who moves to the German Alps with her father and discovers a sinister family secret. ‘Cuckoo’ marks the second feature film for director Tilman Singer, known for his unsettling debut ‘Luz.’ Get ready for a terrifying cinematic experience when ‘Cuckoo’ hits US theaters exclusively on August 9.