Men Feeling Excluded from Democratic Party, Host Greg Gutfeld Says

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld argues that men are feeling increasingly unwelcome in the Democratic Party due to the dominance of female voices and perspectives. He cites an example from the show “The View” where female hosts pressured a male guest to endorse Biden, despite his hesitation. Gutfeld contrasts this with hypothetical behavior from a similar show composed of men, suggesting they would be more tolerant of dissenting opinions. He also highlights the rise of women in powerful positions, such as leading Trump investigations, heading liberal courtrooms, and dominating the “Squad” in Congress. According to Gutfeld, this shift towards female leadership has led to men abandoning the Democratic Party in favor of the Republican Party. He emphasizes that a balance between men and women is crucial for a well-functioning society, warning that an exclusively female-dominated political landscape could lead to ineffective laws and a lack of perspectives.

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