Renowned Swiss chef Pietro Catalano, known for his innovative cuisine at CAAA, will host a special culinary event at The Nautilus Maldives, showcasing the exceptional quality and sustainability of Maldivian yellowfin tuna. Guests will experience a unique menu with innovative cocktails, celebrating both culinary artistry and responsible fishing practices.
Results for: Tuna
Fishing boat owners in Chennai are facing a severe decline in tuna catch, impacting exports and forcing many boats to remain anchored. This decline is attributed to factors including the war in Ukraine and Palestine, the threat of piracy, and a change in fishing grounds. The price of tuna has dropped significantly, leading to financial hardship for the fishing community.
A group of fishermen off the San Diego coast engaged in a thrilling tug-of-war with a massive mako shark over a tuna they had hooked. The encounter was captured on video, showcasing the shark’s impressive power and the fishermen’s determination to reel in their catch.