Ontario Premier Faces Calls for Apology over Bail Comments in Murder Case

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is facing pressure to apologize to Umar Zameer for criticizing his release on bail in 2021, after he was acquitted of murdering a Toronto police officer. Ford’s comments, which were made on social media, drew criticism from legal experts and politicians, who argued that it was inappropriate to comment on an ongoing case without sufficient information. Zameer’s acquittal has raised questions about the fairness of the criminal justice system and the role of elected officials in commenting on sensitive legal matters.

Toronto Police Chief Deflects Criticism, Supports Jury Verdict in Northrup Case

Toronto’s Chief of Police, Myron Demkiw, has defended his comments made after the acquittal of Umar Zameer in the death of plainclothes officer Jeffrey Northrup. Demkiw initially expressed disappointment with the verdict but clarified that he supports the justice system and the jury’s decision. He has also ordered independent and internal reviews of plainclothes policing practices due to concerns raised during the trial. The chief’s comments have sparked criticism from Zameer’s lawyer and others who believe it undermines the impartiality of police. Despite the controversy, Premier Doug Ford has expressed sympathy for Northrup’s family and respects the court’s decision.

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