Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students to Work on Campus Jobs

California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would have permitted undocumented students, including DACA recipients, to work on campus jobs at public universities. This decision follows his earlier veto of a bill that would have provided housing loans to noncitizens. Newsom cited legal concerns, including potential criminal liability for state employees, as his reasoning for the veto. The University of California (UC) system also expressed concerns about the bill’s legal implications, fearing it could expose them to legal repercussions and potential loss of federal funds. The veto highlights Newsom’s evolving stance on providing aid to illegal immigrants in California, particularly as he seeks to distance himself from some of the state’s more progressive initiatives.

Anti-Israel Protests Orchestrated by Communist Groups, Watchdog Alleges

An undercover investigation by Accuracy in Media has revealed the involvement of a communist organization in anti-Israel protests on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The operative, known as “Annie,” identified herself as a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (Revcom), a radical-left group that seeks to overthrow the US government. She admitted to organizing and participating in the protests, describing her fellow communists as “comrades.” Police at UCLA cleared the massive anti-Israel demonstration, arresting over 130 protesters, many of whom were not students. The investigation suggests that these protests are being coordinated by outside agitators and supported by progressive donors, including George Soros and other liberal megadonors.

Reagan’s Response to Campus Violence Offers Lessons for Today’s Leaders

As campus protests over the Israel-Hamas war escalate, students and administrators are seeking guidance on how to respond. A look back at Governor Ronald Reagan’s handling of similar protests in 1969 provides valuable insights. Reagan’s decisive actions, including declaring a state of emergency and sending in the National Guard, restored order and set an example for how leaders can effectively address campus unrest.

Pro-Palestinian Protests Spread Across College Campuses

A surge of pro-Palestinian demonstrations has swept through college campuses nationwide, fueled by Israel’s conflict with Hamas. Students demand universities divest from companies supporting Israel’s military actions in Gaza. Protests have flared at Columbia University, Emerson College, Humboldt State University, New York University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin, and Yale University, leading to arrests and campus closures.

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