Saskatchewan University Students and Faculty Show Solidarity with Gaza Amidst Protests

University campuses in Saskatchewan witnessed sit-ins on Friday, expressing support for the people of Gaza and university protesters around the globe. The events featured Palestinian speakers, shared meals, art and reading groups, and prayer, providing a platform for dialogue and community engagement. The University of Saskatchewan acknowledged the demonstrations and expressed its commitment to supporting those affected by the conflict in Israel and Gaza. Organizers ensured the safety and peacefulness of the protests, while students emphasized their role in raising awareness and advocating for a resolution.

University of Regina Approves Budget with 4% Tuition Increase for 2024-25

The University of Regina has approved its 2024-25 balanced budget, with revenues and expenditures each totaling $283.1 million. This comes after three years of deficit budgets and the final year of a four-year agreement with the provincial government. In the 2024-25 academic year, tuition and fees will increase by 4% for graduate and undergraduate programs, adding an extra $120 to the cost of a $3000 semester. This increase will allow the university to reinvest in programs and services that directly support and benefit students.

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