Mayor Adams Vows Action Against External Agitators Inciting Campus Protest Violence

Mayor Eric Adams has pledged to crack down on ‘outside agitators’ allegedly responsible for fueling unrest at recent campus protests. He claims that the NYPD will identify and apprehend individuals seeking to exploit the gatherings to incite violence. Despite recognizing the right to peaceful protest, the mayor condemned illegal actions such as throwing projectiles and advocating for violence against specific groups. Adams also clarified the NYPD’s role in responding to campus demonstrations, stating that officers will intervene upon request from school authorities or in cases of imminent threats like arson, assault, or property damage.

Protests Intensify at US Universities Over Israel-Hamas Conflict

Following Israel’s conflict with Hamas, elite universities in the US witnessed large-scale protests and arrests. Columbia University canceled in-person classes and arrested over 100 demonstrators. At New York University, hundreds gathered in protest, leading to arrests after police intervened due to disorderly conduct and reports of antisemitic incidents. Yale University apprehended approximately 45 protestors who set up tents and trespassed on university grounds. Harvard’s gates were closed to the public amidst ongoing tensions. MIT students also set up an encampment, demanding a ceasefire and protesting the institute’s alleged complicity in the Gaza conflict.

Columbia Student: Campus Not Safe for Jews Amid Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel demonstrations have surged on elite university campuses, sparking concerns about Jewish safety. Columbia University has witnessed antisemitic rhetoric and threats against Jewish students, prompting a WhatsApp message from a rabbi advising them to stay home due to inadequate security. Police made arrests at Columbia and Yale, but students continued to protest, highlighting the need for universities to address antisemitism and promote a safe environment for all members of their community.

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